Hacking is an unfortunate problem many businesses have to deal with these days. Filmmakers and television show producers have to worry about their work being leaked, retailers have to worry about data theft, and individuals have to worry about identity theft. There are other ways that important business information can be stolen. Document security is also important and can be detrimental to businesses when breached.

In most businesses, there are both digital and physical documents. These documents can include financial information, health information, employee forms, etc. There may be other sensitive documents for businesses like law offices, health clinics, or financial institutions. When not properly secured, these sensitive documents can put your business, your employees, and your customers at risk.

Document security issues take many forms. Here are several ways your documents can put your business at risk:

1. It’s easy to steal unsecured documents.

Physical documents need to be locked away in a filing cabinet. Digital documents need to be password protected. You need to make sure that the employees in your business are securing their files when they aren’t using them. It’s true that a determined thief or hacker won’t be deterred by a lock--either physical or digital--but they will deter most people.

2. Physical documents can be destroyed easily.

It only takes one flood, fire, or other natural disaster to get rid of years of important business documents. Physical documents should always be backed up digitally for this reason. If you do keep a copy of physical documents, you should store them in a fireproof or waterproof filing cabinet.

3. Employees use unsecured networks.

Your business is always at a risk of a cyber attack or a data breach. This is especially true when one of your employees goes to work at the coffee shop and uses an unsecured network. It becomes much easier for anyone else on the network to steal your employee’s data. If you have your own network, make sure you secure it by requiring a password and having a firewall in place.

4. There are too many people with access to sensitive information.

You are going to have sensitive information, no matter what your business is. There will be employee records, emergency contact information, and payroll information. But just because you have sensitive documents doesn’t mean that everyone needs access to that information. You should limit the access to those who need it in order to complete their jobs.

5. When employees work in public, strangers can see their phone, laptop, or tablet screen.

Even if all digital documents are password protected and secured, if your employees are working on them on their devices in an airport or coffee shop, anyone who walks by can see the sensitive information on their screens. 

There are several ways to solve the problem of screen snooping. But the only sure way to protect against screen snooping is by using Smart Eye Technology. With Smart Eye, you can rest assured that the only person viewing the sensitive information is the person who’s supposed to be viewing it. Click here to learn more about Smart Eye Technology and schedule a free demo.