So much of your life can be accessed online. You check your bank account online. You store your credit card information on websites and mobile apps. Passwords are saved in your phone and on your browser. You send confidential emails and messages. You pay invoices and receive payments. There are so many ways your information is at risk.

Identity theft can happen. There are phishing emails you have to worry about. Malicious websites that can steal your information. You can be on a public WiFi Network, and someone can access your information that way. Someone can even be looking over your shoulder at your phone in a cafe, and you have no way of knowing.

So you need to be prepared and protect your information. Here are several tips that will help you to protect yourself.

1. Use Secure Passwords

You don’t want to create weak passwords that can easily be guessed. Try to create strong passwords that are a mix of numbers, capital letters, lowercase letters, and special characters. Don’t use the same password for everything. 

2. Only Download Trustworthy Apps.

Before you download an app, make sure you know where it’s coming from. You may want to read some reviews to make sure others have had good experiences with the app. You also want to make sure that you update your apps whenever you can. 

3. Be Suspicious of All Emails. 

Make sure an email is coming from a trusted source before you send them any sensitive information. Don’t just look at the sender’s name, check the email address.Typically, big companies like Capital One won’t ask you for information like your Social Security number over email. 

4. Set Up a Fraud Alert.

If there have been fraudulent charges on your account, you can set up a free fraud alert for a year. To set one up, simply get in touch with the credit bureaus. 

5. Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) when you can.

Typically, this works by asking you to verify your email address or phone number after asking you for a password. You are allowed access to your account whenever two pieces of evidence are presented.

6. Use Caution with Links and Attachments.

Before you open an attachment or visit a link, make sure they are coming from a source you trust. If you aren’t sure about the source, don’t open the attachment or visit the link. 

7. Use Biometrics Authentication When You Can.

Biometrics authentication requires you to verify your identity through your fingerprint, your voice, your irises, etc. There are many phones and apps that are starting to use biometrics. 

There are phones and apps that are starting to use biometrics. One of the more advanced biometric solutions is Smart Eye Technology (R) that utilizes multiple biometrics to ensure that your data is kept safe and secure. 

About Smart Eye Technology®

The difference between Smart Eye and other apps that use biometrics is that Smart Eye uses multiple biometrics and utilizes continuous authentication. This means that if anyone besides the authorized user tries to access the files in any way--whether that’s a stranger screen snooping at the airport or the person you sent a document to forwarding it to someone else--they won’t be able to. 

With Smart Eye Technology®, as soon as another pair of eyes is on your screen, it will turn your screen off so that strangers won’t be able to look at your information. You’ll also be able to determine who has access to the documents and where they have access to them. 

There are many ways your information is at risk, but there are also many ways you can protect yourself. Your information doesn’t have to be as vulnerable as it would be without taking these precautions. You can rest assured knowing that your information is secure.