With the recent advancement of technology, data has become an essential element. However, technology is not the only thing that’s being improved consistently. Various hackers around the world are developing cybercrime techniques to penetrate strong firewalls. Which is why, companies these days are trying to maintain the security of their data by working around the clock.

Businesses these days are investing highly on cyber security. Whether it’s for buying premium anti-malware software or hiring some of the best IT experts in the market. Not only this, but companies are paying thousands of dollars for getting cyber-security firms to analyze and correct any vulnerabilities the company has with its cyber security measures. However, despite the consistent upgrades, hackers will still try to find ways or devices which they can steal your company’s data from. Then again, devices don’t only include computers, laptops and tablets, they also include printers – the one device that a lot of companies forget to protect.

How Are Printers Vulnerable?

You’re probably wondering why a printer needs security, however, here’s the catch – printers these days are designed to store data. Like any other digital device, modern printers are now being improved to hold necessary data as well. This is so that they can temporarily or permanently store some of your regularly used data to create workflow efficiency. Some of these data files contain sensitive business information that can be used negatively, if used by the wrong hands. While a majority of hackers are now trying to send malware to a variety of international businesses, others are trying to sneak into printers and other small devices to trace out company information.

Now that you understand why it’s important to protect your company’s printers from cyber-attack, here are effective tips on how you can actually prevent data-theft from your printers.

Increase Physical Security

A hacker doesn’t necessarily need to use a sophisticated operating system to steal information from your printers, they can simply walk to it and take your documents on-the-go. This is why increasing some security around the printer is necessary for preventing an attack.

To do this, you can simply place your printers in an open area where there are a lot of employees present. This will discourage any document theft. You can also establish a strict policy for the use of printers for all your employees and visitors.

Additionally, ensure your documents are not left openly on the printer tray. Make sure that you shred all the sensitive documents before unplugging the printer.

Update All Passwords

Make sure that all the printers in your company are password protected as they can be accessed by a hacker remotely. If you don’t want your printers to be hijacked by a third-party, ensure that all the printers are protected with strong passwords.

Regular System Upgrades

If your data is genuinely important to you, then you have to take certain steps on a regular basis to make sure it’s safe from any theft. By updating your printer’s system every once in a while, you can increase the security and prevent chances of it getting hacked. Which is why, ensure that all your printers are upgraded to the latest security system.

Replace Old Hard Drives

These days, a printer is responsible for storing all of the data you print out. Which is why, before selling your old printer, make sure you destroy or remove the old hard drive. You can also try to reformat the printer’s hard drive to make sure that it isn’t storing any of your sensitive information. In case you don’t know how to change the settings, you can always read the manufacturer’s manual for guidance.

Add More Security Measures

There’s nothing really wrong with adding more protection towards your digital devices. Investing a little money can always take your business a long way without getting cyber-attacked in the process.

In conclusion, although a professional printer expert knows how to penetration, assist you in determining good places for placing your devices, and changing passwords to a stronger one, you should always apply your own security measures for maximum data security.