Featured Post The rapid evolution of the event industry: all credit goes to biometric technology

How Amazon’s Facial Recognition Software Will Change the Way Cops Fight Crime

Although facial recognition technology has been used for decades, there has been constant improvements made in order to make it more useful for multiple reasons. From unlocking your phone to entering ...
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How You Can Prevent Cyber-attack on Your Local Printers?

With the recent advancement of technology, data has become an essential element. However, technology is not the only thing that’s being improved consistently. Various hackers around the world are ...
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Facial Recognition Glasses Can Prevent Terrorism with Discreet Surveillance

Facial recognition technology has been blooming for quite some time now. Currently, the technology is being utilized in many important places around the globe – from train station security to ...
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Cyber Security in Government: Thumbs Up or Down

Government bodies across the globe are becoming increasingly cautious of cyber-attacks and are promoting ways that can be utilized to protect the national security through cyber-security. Currently, ...
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Unpatched vulnerability: the main source of data breaching

Many of the organizations suffer from data breaching almost every year, and for the past two years, the ratio is drastically increasing. These organizations are becoming victims to cyber-attacks as ...
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The Biometric Authentication Security Revolution is Here!

Find out how our continuous and multi-factor biometric authentication and UXP technology can help your organization.

What Does the Future Hold for Facial Recognition and AI Technology?

Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and facial recognition is becoming more fascinating for developers around the world. The cutting-edge technology such as facial recognition has ...
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How Iris Recognition offers a Hygienic, non-contact Solution for Individual identification

For centuries, developers – whether in the technology or medical sector – have been incorporating ideas, gadgets and inventions to improve the hygienic and ethical issues in the Healthcare industry. ...
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Widespread misconceptions about the paperless office

When you hear the phrase ‘paperless office’ what do you think of? What image comes to mind? For most people, it’s the image of an office that is completely devoid of any and all forms of paper – no ...
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PDF Passwords are Obsolete. What Now?

There was a time when PDF password protection was the quickest and easiest way to protect your PDF file. When people wanted to protect their files, they would encrypt their PDF files using a strong ...
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Passwords and beyond

Although we are in 2019, many of us are still unaware or completely ignore the basics of password hygiene. Splash Data, the password management specialist, released the ‘World’s Worst Passwords of ...
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Lost in Translation – Document Privacy during Translation

With each passing day, the physical boundaries of the world are becoming less and less important. Thanks to globalization, the playing field of businesses has grown exponentially. Now a business is ...
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