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What Does the Future Hold for Facial Recognition and AI Technology?

Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and facial recognition is becoming more fascinating for developers around the world. The cutting-edge technology such as facial recognition has ...
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How Iris Recognition offers a Hygienic, non-contact Solution for Individual identification

For centuries, developers – whether in the technology or medical sector – have been incorporating ideas, gadgets and inventions to improve the hygienic and ethical issues in the Healthcare industry. ...
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Improving Customer Experience: Indulgence or Necessity?

Improving a customer’s experience can either make or break a business. It can offer considerable advantages to businesses. On the flipside, an inferior or no personalized customer experience can ...
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Dealing a Mighty Blow to ORC (Organized Retail Crime) with Facial Recognition Technology

Retail crime is the biggest problem being faced by stores and retail chains. It costs the U.S. retail industry approximately $45 billion each year. Profit margins are crippled by theft, shoplifting, ...
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Facial Recognition – How it Works

Previously, the use of facial recognition was only a myth that existed in science-fiction movies. The thought of it actually being a part of our daily lives was considered as mostly impossible. ...
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The Biometric Authentication Security Revolution is Here!

Find out how our continuous and multi-factor biometric authentication and UXP technology can help your organization.

How brick and mortar stores can benefit from facial recognition

The retail apocalypse is wreaking havoc all across the world, with major players closing shops or going out of business. It’s pretty clear that online retail is here to stay. Like it or not, it’s ...
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Biometrics: a blessing for personal security?

It is predicted that by 2020, nearly all smart devices whether they are phones or tablets or other forms of devices, will have some form of biometric security enabled in them. This is also the time ...
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The ubiquity of biometrics: should we accept it?

We are constantly surrounded by technology now, from a simple pocket-knife to modern smart devices. Whether an individual or corporate organizations or entrepreneurs, technology has something to ...
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Biometrics protect my data, how to protect my biometric data?

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Why is facial recognition a blessing for event planners?

There are a lot of amazing things that existed only in movies and comics that are now part of our everyday reality. Whether you talk about Mary Mc’Fly’s hover board, fully functional computers in ...
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Myths about iris recognition

In terms of identification, iris authentication is a highly reliable technology because it is very accurate and difficult to spoof. Iris authentication scan technology has strong matching ...
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