Featured Post Widespread misconceptions about the paperless office

PDF Passwords are Obsolete. What Now?

There was a time when PDF password protection was the quickest and easiest way to protect your PDF file. When people wanted to protect their files, they would encrypt their PDF files using a strong ...
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Passwords and beyond

Although we are in 2019, many of us are still unaware or completely ignore the basics of password hygiene. Splash Data, the password management specialist, released the ‘World’s Worst Passwords of ...
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Lost in Translation – Document Privacy during Translation

With each passing day, the physical boundaries of the world are becoming less and less important. Thanks to globalization, the playing field of businesses has grown exponentially. Now a business is ...
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Keeping it safe: Why You Should Go For Centralized Storage

Believe it or not, focusing on the ‘right’ centralized storage system for your documents makes it much easier to secure them. Why you ask? It’s simple really. If you have all your data in one ...
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Is your data as protected as you think it is?

In this age of digital technology and advancements, there are still a lot of people that do not pay much attention to the way they surf the web at home or in the office. New ways of exploiting data ...
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The Biometric Authentication Security Revolution is Here!

Find out how our continuous and multi-factor biometric authentication and UXP technology can help your organization.

Have you checked your printers lately?

Almost all organizations have suffered at least one data breach. That much everyone knows. What’s interesting, however, is that many organizations suffered the data breaches because of their ...
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What’s the difference between cyber security and data security? Should I invest in both or not?

Most people often think of cyber security and data security (also known as ‘information security’) as synonymous. These terms are used interchangeably and we have heard of them a lot. In many ways ...
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6 Ways Shopkeepers Can Protect their Customers’ Data

Imagine the entrance to your house is unlocked; a thief walks in, grabs your precious belongings and just walks right out. This is how the data of you and your business is without any physical ...
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5 Ways to Protect the Confidentiality of Your Data

It’s widely known that keeping your passwords, financial data and other personal information protected from any outsider’s reach is very important. In fact, it’s been a priority for many businesses ...
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How startups can protect their data from the start

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Want to Ramp-up your security? Start eliminating paper documents

With the exponential growth in mobile devices and their uses, it comes as no surprise that security has now become a topmost priority for IT officials in any company. With the passage of time, ...
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