Featured Post How Biometric Authentication Enhances the Security of Financial Transactions

Protecting Confidentiality in the Workplace

When we hear about data breaches in the news, we often imagine some nefarious figure, sitting in a darkened room, hands on keyboard, using multiple mechanisms, applications, or tools to attempt to ...
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Secure File Sharing for Businesses: Tips and Best Practices

With remote work, multiple local facilities, vendors and customers around the country, file sharing has become a staple of the modern workforce. For many of us, sharing files has become a fairly ...
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4 Tips to Prevent Wire Fraud for Home Loans & Mortgages

Buying a home is, undoubtedly, one of the most exciting and scary moments in your life. Maybe it was the yard, or the neighborhood, or crossing the threshold for the first time, but something about ...
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Why Small Businesses and Startups Need Cyber Security Policies?

Protecting data when a company is still in the startup phase can be quite a challenge. Not everyone in the company may understand how essential a cybersecurity policy is or what types of data need to ...
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Business Transactions in the Time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many things about the world in a short period of time. Even as 2020 winds down, many people are still working from home and several states and municipalities still ...
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The Biometric Authentication Security Revolution is Here!

Find out how our continuous and multi-factor biometric authentication and UXP technology can help your organization.

Confidentiality, Integrity, & Availability: Basics of Information Security

Today’s organizations face an incredible responsibility when it comes to protecting data. Whether it’s internal proprietary information or any type of data collected from customers, companies could ...
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Working Remotely: How to Keep Your Data Safe

Coronavirus is affecting the entire world. Throughout the United States, schools have been closing, huge events like South by Southwest have been cancelled, and companies like Amazon and Google have ...
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How to Protect Your Information

So much of your life can be accessed online. You check your bank account online. You store your credit card information on websites and mobile apps. Passwords are saved in your phone and on your ...
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Document Security Issues that Can Ruin a Business

Hacking is an unfortunate problem many businesses have to deal with these days. Filmmakers and television show producers have to worry about their work being leaked, retailers have to worry about ...
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Data Security in Healthcare: Why It’s Important

Cyber-attacks on healthcare organizations is not a new trend. Surprisingly, one of the most lucrative targets for hackers is the data surrounding healthcare. With the increasing level of cybercrimes, ...
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Facial Recognition Glasses Can Prevent Terrorism with Discreet Surveillance

Facial recognition technology has been blooming for quite some time now. Currently, the technology is being utilized in many important places around the globe – from train station security to ...
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