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Archive for October 2019

Are your employees leaking data?

What do we usually imagine when we hear about data leakage or data breaches? What typically comes to mind is a person sitting in a darkened attic or a basement, staring at a computer, trying again and again to hack a company’s data. But that is not always the case. Most of the times, data…

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Facial Recognition – How it Works

Previously, the use of facial recognition was only a myth that existed in science-fiction movies. The thought of it actually being a part of our daily lives was considered as mostly impossible. However, the idea has now safely transitioned into the real world and is now one of the most widely-used for image analysis today.…

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6 Ways Shopkeepers Can Protect their Customers’ Data

Imagine the entrance to your house is unlocked; a thief walks in, grabs your precious belongings and just walks right out. This is how the data of you and your business is without any physical security. A data breach can happen in the blink of an eye and although data protection networks such as Cloud can help…

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5 Ways to Protect the Confidentiality of Your Data

It’s widely known that keeping your passwords, financial data and other personal information protected from any outsider’s reach is very important. In fact, it’s been a priority for many businesses as they take high caution with keeping their private information safe. This makes it all the more for customers and even regular individuals to listen…

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How to plan a BYOD policy

Protecting its data has always been a business’s topmost priority. But nowadays, with employees not just bringing their cellphones into the workspace, but also using their smart devices to work, whether they’re in the office or outside, is creating a lot of threats and risks for businesses. The more these security lines are getting blurred,…

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Biometrics: a blessing for personal security?

It is predicted that by 2020, nearly all smart devices whether they are phones or tablets or other forms of devices, will have some form of biometric security enabled in them. This is also the time when personal banking using the bank’s mobile app will throw online banking out of the arena. According to Statistics…

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