For centuries, developers – whether in the technology or medical sector – have been incorporating ideas, gadgets and inventions to improve the hygienic and ethical issues in the Healthcare industry. However, it doesn’t stop there, developers have integrated these solutions for making life easier when it comes to the everyday living standards of each individual. This includes the recent advancement of iris recognition technology.

Non-Contact and Hygienic ID Verification for Schools and Universities

A university in Virginia announced that it will be incorporating Iris recognition in their campus dining halls. Each student will be able to verify their identity before getting their designated meals. In this way, the university is providing students with a safe and secure way of deployment. Not only that, but students can choose to verify their identities through iris scanners before entering the university campus and accessing the cafeteria lounge. This method is very efficient for students who might lose their ID cards and are not able to find any replacement within the next day.

Moreover, since iris recognition doesn’t require an individual to make physical contact with the biometric device, it provides a hygienic, non-contact solution for identification. This also enables the prevention of germs transfer, unlike fingerprint biometric devices.

Additionally, schools and universities are adopting Iris recognition due to its hygienic features, which begs the question – are hospitals integrating biometric patient identification through iris recognition?

Biometric Patient ID Recognition in Healthcare

In the healthcare sector, patient security is the primary concern for hospitals. Which means that while providing a hygienic environment, hospitals should also be a safe place for patient care. Currently, hospitals across the world are trying to adopt digitals ways of offering medical service. Whether its radiology or patient data entry – everything is being made easier for the patients.

However, biometric hardware such as fingerprint scanners are not a good choice of practice as there is a risk of a person receiving HAC’s if the device is not cleaned properly after every use. It poses a significant threat for passing germs and bacteria from one person to another. Moreover, most cleaning agents don’t kill all kinds of germs and bacteria.

Furthermore, it’s a great recognition software for patients who are handicapped or don’t possess limbs to do fingerprint identifications.

Which is why the latest iris recognition technology is the perfect choice for patient identification. Healthcare institutes are now learning that by using iris scanners, a person will not have to touch any device. Which will significantly help increase infection control.